Keeping high employee engagement level is among top HR management priorities in many companies. It leads to lower absenteeism, employees retention, increased productivity and quality of services, better individual and team performance, employees’ satisfaction, loyalty, increased market share, sustainable market growth, higher profit.
The methodology for the engagement survey is based on the HR auditing programs, developed and applied by Audit Advice Associates (AAA) in assessment of the comprehensive human resources management strategy (or parts of it) in the company.
The interaction of the following three groups of factors is examined:
The output of the survey is a report identifying the current state of the employees’ engagement and recommendations for improvements and follow-up activities.
Employees engagement survey can be used with, and is advisable to be part of, full HR audit in the company.
Questionnaire, surveying employee engagement
The Employee engagement questionnaire is filled in online by the staff and takes not more than 30 minutes. It includes general demographic questions and about 90 statements (such as “Communication in the company is encouraged”). The purpose of the statements is to examine the engagement level in the company in several different areas (e.g. Career, Recognition, Training and development, and others). These statements are confirmed or rejected by the employees by means of 5 grading system (from “Fully agreed” to “Fully disagreed”).
An automatic personal username and password for authorization are generated for each employee prior continuing with the survey online.
The employees’ answers are anonymous and are processed along with the rest of the replies of all participants in the survey. The results are used only and exclusively for summarized statistical information, measuring employee engagement state in the company.
Questionnaire, studying human resources management policies and procedures, implemented in the company
This questionnaire should be filled in by the representative from the HR department at managerial level in the company.
The purpose of the questions in the HR questionnaire is to examine and review the demographics of the company, as well as to determine the extent to which the HRM strategies, policies and procedures are integrated in the company (e.g. Formal strategies for human resources management, Knowledge management, Remuneration and benefits, Work environment, etc.).
In case, that the HR representative is not able to fill in the questionnaire with the whole required information, she/he may ask for assistance from a colleague to join and finalize together the questionnaire.
A short interview is organized as a next step with HR manager/director in the company for verification of the collected data.
Questionnaire, reviewing main company results and performance indicators
The questionnaire includes 12 questions and is filled in by the CEO/Managing Director or other person, representing the Company.
The scope of the survey includes:
The collected data is verified and checked for consistency and completeness. In case additional information and/or data confirmation are required, the senior management and/or HR representatives are invited to the personal interview.